Box of Magic


The Box of Magic: Garden Forest's finest blooms, priority express shipping is included.

This is not simply a bouquet shipped to you- this is a box of magic.

This is a parcel, to greet you in your home, of the finest of all Garden Forest's flowers. The first-cut of the week, the largest, freshest, and best flowers wrapped with love and magic and labeled with your name, just for you. The seasonal flowers change as the days of spring, summer, and fall pass, but whatever flowers are the finest, are the flowers chosen, tied with a ribbon, and sent to where you are.

What is "the Magic" of Garden Forest? It's dewy sunrises, cherry red cardinals, a breeze that smells like the marsh. Its bunnies in green grass chewing dandelions, blue skies with fluffy clouds, and muskrats popping their heads out of holes. It's the call of red winged black birds. There is the smell of rain, dragonflies on the wind, and the buzz of hummingbirds flying by. It's the parades of flowers in the sun, in the shade, by the cool, damp marsh, on the hot, dry hill. Wave after wave of flowers planted amongst protected and content wildlife, grown for you, and for them, with powerful and tireless love. Garden Forest is a certified wildlife habitat and belongs to all manner of beloved creature, and Garden Forest flowers belong to you.

Garden Forest's Box of Magic, priority express shipping included, $100. Purchase confirms understanding that flowers are fragile and shipping can be a perilous journey, but also that the bounty of flowers should more than cover any causalties of post, as well as confirms the responsibility of rescuing them into a vase of fresh water upon delivery.

You are a part of something special, and this is a box of magic.